The aesthetic industry offers a great variety of medical devices and it can be challenging to evaluate and understand the difference between comparable systems.
JHK expertise can prove an effective resource when making a purchasing evaluation and decision. Our group can help discern and understand all the differences and benefits when deciding what brand to purchase and, most importantly, we can assist you in strategically choosing the best technology that fits your needs, budget and ensure that it integrates with the portfolio of existing procedures in your practice. Additionally, JHK can recommend new or previously used technology to maximize your return on investment and financial goals.
JHK can also assist in evaluating and maximizing the ROI on your existing technology and aesthetic treatments portfolio, advise how to integrate additional technology and procedures, if needed, to solidify your medical practice position and train your staff to sell, engage and convert customers and prospects effectively.
JHK areas of expertise:
FUE Hair Restoration, NeoGraft Hair Transplantation
Lasers and Light Sources, Radio Frequency,
Microneedling, Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation, Ultrasound Devices
Technology Physician & Staff Training
New and previous owned aesthetic technology representative:
Lasers and light sources
Radio frequency, Microneedling, Vaginal Laser Rejuvenation, Ultrasound Devices
Laser Hair Removal Technology Physician and Staff Training
JHK can recommend the best aesthetic medical technology: lasers, IPL light sources, radio frequency, microneedling, FUE (follicular unit extraction), NeoGraft. Llaser hair removal technology physician training, new and previous owned aesthetic technology.
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